Film Review: Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse

Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse (2018)

Directors: Bob Persichetti, Peter Ramsey & Rodney Rothman
UK Rating: PG
Length: 117 minutes
Cast: Shameik Moore, Jake Johnson, Hailee Steinfeld

Today I saw Spider-Man and I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting to come out of the cinema as happy as I did. To put it simply, I loved the film! I have been privileged enough to see many great films this year (my top ones would be Black Panther, A Star Is Born, Crazy Rich Asians, Bohemian Rhapsody and Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again (that may just be because I'm a sucker for both ABBA and movie musicals...)) but honestly this is one of my favourites!

The main reason I wanted to see this film was because it's Spider-Man. The character has been one of my favourites for a while now, however I only know the Spider-Man that is Peter Parker. I think many people could say the same, but Peter Parkers Spidey is iconic so that does make sense. Seeing all the different Spider-People (and pig?) was a treat! It was especially wonderful to have two female Spideys (Gwen was incredible!).

I have to talk about the animation! I LOVE IT! It's an aesthetically pleasing film. The animation was unlike any other movie I have ever seen. For the most part it looks and feels like a comic, which is amazing! It's so refreshing to have new styles portrayed in movies and this was such a fun way of doing it! I loved that there were differences in the characters from other universes too!

Speaking of other universes, the way that they used the multiverse theory in this film was great! There are so many ways that using the multiverse as a plot point could have gone wrong but I think it was handled wonderfully. I enjoyed the fact that we had Spider-People from other Earths/universes! The only other thing that I have seen handle the multiverse theory this well is the CWs Arrowverse (if you haven't seen any of the Arrowverse shows, you really should! I got started with Supergirl but I would watch Arrow first, if I had to redo it. The Flash seems to deal most with the multiverse (a main character comes from another Earth, and Barry messes up the timelines a lot meaning they need help from other Earths).

I really loved the plot of this film and the villain was my favourite kind of villain (evil for a reason!), the aesthetics and diversity of the film was wonderful. I would love a sequel to this film, maybe something in another universe? Maybe multiverse travel is easier and they can go to other universes? Or perhaps we can use the end credit scene (yes, there is one, it's worth the wait!) as a plot starter? Anything to give me more of this artistic style!

Finally, I want to talk about the legend that is Stan Lee. He had a cameo in this film, as he has had in other Marvel films and I cried when I saw him (or rather a wonderful animation of Mr. Lee). This was Stans final voice acting role, he passed away a few weeks ago. Stan Lee is one of the main reasons that we have Marvel. Additionally, without him and Steve Ditko (who also passed away this year) we wouldn't have Spider-Man or Peter Parker.

Thank you to Stan Lee and Steve Ditko, the world wouldn't be the same without Spider-Man.

Shannon x


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