Film Review: Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel (2019)

Directors: Anna Boden & Ryan Fleck
UK rating: 12A
Length: 123 minutes
Cast: Brie Larson, Samuel L. Jackson, Ben Mendelsohn

I was lucky enough to see the first showing of Captain Marvel in my local cinema at midnight. I have to say thank you to Amelia for taking me, her boyfriend and her sister with her.

The film is set in 1995 and is about Carol Danvers (also known as Vers to her Kree teammates, known as the Starforce). Vers lives on Hala and when the film starts she is in the middle of a battle with her people (the Kree) and the Skrulls. Vers has recurring memories of another life she lived as Carol Danvers, a US Air Force Pilot. With the help of Nick Fury and Maria and Monica Rambeau, Carol starts to remember her past. Captain Marvel tries to uncover the secrets of her past all while using her superpowers to end the war between the Kree and the Skrulls.

If you don’t want to read any spoilers I would click away now! Definitely see the film before you read.

The film starts with what I assumed to be the typical Marvel intro, you know the one, it has photos and then clips of previous Marvel Cinematic Universe films, this one however was a tribute to Stan Lee. As soon as I realised what was happening I started to cry, which really isn’t surprising at all if you know me. It was a lovely way to pay tribute to an icon.

Carol Danvers was such a good character. She’s well written, she doesn’t have a romantic interest (and even if she did it would 100% have been Maria Rambeau, the gays are thriving), she is a strong, independent woman. In the words of the kids, “we stan.” Brie Larson is an incredible actress, I cannot imagine anyone else in Carol Danvers’ shoes. She brought this character to life and will no doubt become a role model to thousands of young girls over the next few years.

Young Fury is brilliant. Samuel L. Jackson plays an older, serious Fury well, but he also plays a young, more carefree Fury excellently. He was definitely one of my favourite parts of the film. I wish we had more of young Agent Coulson (played by Clark Gregg). Coulson has always been one of my favourites. I would kill for a buddy cop type movie with a young (or even old) Fury and Coulson as it’s stars. I mean, it would be incredible.

This wouldn’t be a Captain Marvel review if I didn’t talk about Goose for a second. Oh my goodness. I am not a cat person (dogs are definitely more my style) but I adore Goose. I wasn’t expecting Goose to be such a big part of the film but I’m so glad that this cat had a starring role. Watch the movie for Goose alone!

The main plot point was a shock to me. The trailers and the beginning of the film shows the Kree as the good guys and the Skrulls as the villains. This is not the case, in fact the Skrulls just want a home.  I’m not sure if that’s a plot point in the comics or if people already knew this but I sure didn’t.

The end credits scenes are a must, the first one obviously ties into Avengers: Endgame, the second is just some fun. It’s a scene with Goose and the tesseract (yes, it’s in this MCU film too, the tesseract sure gets around) but I’ll let you watch the film to know why that’s a thing!

If you know me in real life, you’ll probably know I’m currently obsessed with the 70s, 80s and 90s. Since the film takes place in the 90s, the costumes and soundtrack portray that really well. It definitely isn’t me favourite MCU soundtrack (Black Panther, Thor: Ragnarok and Spider-Man: Homecoming get that) but I did enjoy it.

Finally, I want to say another thank you to Stan Lee, without him, none of this would be possible. We wouldn’t have the Avengers or the Marvel Cinematic Universe at all.

In conclusion, take your daughters, your sisters, your mothers, your girlfriends, your wives, your friends and any other woman in your life to see this film. They deserve it.

If you made it this far, let me know what you thought of Captain Marvel! You can do so in the comments or on twitter (@sjamesphotog) or instagram (@shannonjamesphotography).

Shannon x


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