What Does CF Mean to Me? (GP)
So May is CF awareness month, I am 19 and have Cystic Fibrosis, I also have a 2-year-old little girl, I'm not going to lie to you having CF and being a mum is not easy if anything it's bloody hard but it's so so worth it. I wouldn't change it for the world. So what does CF mean for me as a person? Well, it's obviously a massive part in my life but I try to get a positive out of anything I can. CF is not easy and from the outside, it may look like nothing is wrong but inside everything is effected. It doesn't just affect you physically it also puts a huge stress on your mental health, the dreaded thoughts no one should have to live with thinking about, seeing your friends pass away because of a disease that you are also living with every day of your life, constantly thinking about when the next medicines are or if you've got any appointments coming up, no one sees how it truly affects the person in every aspect as well as all the people around them becau...