Cystic Fibrosis Month

It's May!

For some people, May is a big month. Whether that is because of Star Wars (May the Fourth be with you) or maybe the iconic, "it's gonna be me/May." For me, May is Cystic Fibrosis month.

This month I will be posting a blog post about CF (almost) every day in May. I won't be posting on weekends or the bank holidays. I also won't have a post going up on the 24th because I'll be in Cardiff all day for a concert later on in the day!

I have a couple of people doing some guest posts this month, there's one from a CFer about coping with school, there's one from my best friend about being friends with a CFer, and there are two posts this month which have both been previously posted on this blog and both of the people that wrote the blog posts have since passed away so those posts are going up in memory of them.

I hope you guys stick around this month to find out more about CF.

If you have any questions please comment them down below or tweet me (@sjamesphotog) and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Shannon x


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