What I Wish People Knew About CF

It's not contagious

                    Literally nothing about CF is contagious! A lot of people don't know that the only way to have CF is by having two faulty CF genes.

Everyone's CF is different

                    My CF problems are a lot different to my friends with the illness. I know people who have never been to stay in hospital for IVs and I know people who need IVs every other two weeks.

What happens with CF is out of our control

                    I may cancel plans with you a lot but it's not my fault! I get tired super easy and I get sick super quickly too. It's hard to maintain a healthy social life with CF.

We grow up a lot faster than our peers

                    With all the things we have to go through, it's no wonder why we mature faster.

We hate when people stare at us when we cough

                    Everyone coughs but we cough a lot. We can't help it!

We probably feel sicker than we look

                    It is an invisible illness after all!

Having CF is lonely

                    Yes, I have friends with CF but I can't actually meet them. It sucks.


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