A Beautiful Thing - In Memory of Jessica Paddock

This post was originally written in May 2016 by Jessica Paddock. Jess, unfortunately, passed away in January this year. Jess had CF and this post is about organ donation. To join the organ donor register go to https://www.organdonation.nhs.uk//register-to-donate/register-your-details/

What a beautiful thing.

I slowly opened my eyes to find myself in ICU, but unlike before I was no longer scared. Even though I had a breathing tube down my throat whilst conscious I did not panic nor fear for my wellbeing, I’d just had both of my lungs taken out and replaced yet I remained calm, possibly something to do with all the sedatives they had given me, but mainly because I was able to breathe.

I drifted in and out of consciousness for a day or two, I remember the nurse telling my parents that I was stable enough to have the breathing tube removed. Hearing this news did scare me a little. I feared that when the tube was removed my new lungs would stop working. I was, in fact, wrong. 

The nurse pulled off the tape that was holding the breathing tube in place, I closed my eyes in fear of the worst she slowly pulled the tube out from my throat, when she finally took it out all I could do was smile. I looked up at the ceiling and whispered: "Thank you." I was finally able to breathe, all thanks to a complete stranger. 

I never really believed in miracles, and then a selfless stranger gave me the gift of life, my outlook on life is a lot different now. I am forever grateful to this person. Organ donation really is a beautiful thing. 

- Jessica Paddock.


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